Goh Ron-Jay's photo

Hi! I’m Goh Ron-Jay

I study Electrical Engineering as a AY22/23 (Year 3) year student.

More about me!

Hi I'm Jay, I study EE (and MSE). I strongly believe in passing it forward so I do a bunch of outreach stuff for escholars and CDE. I went to UIUC for exchange and that was a life-changing experience, highly recommend going for exchange. Professionally I hope to work in semicon or signal processing, hopefully in the US maybe. Personally, I hope to retire as a tour guide ^_^.

Notable Achievements

  • • having my name known by three departments for being an administrative nuisance
  • • completing a 6-day 100km hike + camp along the Australian coast

Interests & Hobbies

  • • dota
  • • outdoors
  • • trekking/running
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