Hi! I’m Teng Yi Heng
I study Computer Engineering as a AY24/25 (Year 1) year student.
More about me!
Hi! I am Teng Yi, a Y1 Computer Engineering student under the E-Scholars Programme. I enjoy designing, fabricating, wiring and programming robots (and other electronics projects). I got my start with electronics building autonomous soccer robots for RoboCup Junior in 2019, and I've been eager to learn more about electronics design ever since. In NUS, I'm hoping to delve more into integrated circuit design, processor design and low-level firmware programming; the area where hardware and software intersect is where I believe I work best. Outside of class, I maintain software libraries and design circuit boards and casings for my educational robotics product line EVN. Apart from that, I intend to join the Bumblebee CCA to continue honing my electrical engineering and system integration skills. In my free time, I like playing Ultimate Frisbee and spending time with my cats (they're very cute).
Notable Achievements
- • Technical Lead (& Co-Creator) of EVN Alpha, a robot controller for education & competition
- • Best Technical Challenges (RCJ Soccer Open League, RoboCup 2021 Worldwide)
- • st Place Overall Champion (RCJ Rescue Line U19, RoboCup Asia Pacific 2022)
Interests & Hobbies
- • Building Gundam model kits
- • Ultimate Frisbee
- • D Printing